Thursday, August 7, 2008

Man Sized

So this is my First Blog, and it will be about what? None other than the man. Yep the man, no not the goverenment, you and me. The man that might be reading this blog. Heck or even the woman that might be reading it. So my compadre and I were discussing about well a bunch of nothing like usual. From a discussion about the 99 cent store, no not the 98 cents and up store, or the Mom's 99 cent store, the actuall 99 cent only store, and we got off talkign about Durritos making there bags smaller, which in turn lead to the Man. What do i mean by the man? I mean man sized meals. Okay so theres Hungry man meals, but come on we need more than that. Well the other day at the real 99 cent store I ran across a man sized cup noddles. yeah no more having to make two cups to satisfy a mans hunger, but they also got to make them Mexican spiced too, cause you know you got to add your own pico de gallo to get them spiced just right. Any ways SERIO PEDO, SERIOUS FART, there need to be more man sized, man spiced foods out there. I'm talking bout man sized pringles so your hand wont get stuck in the container as your trying to pull out the last couple of chips, when you have to decided either you let go and get your hand back out, or you keep forcing your hand out and end up with a broken chip, thus defeating the perpose of the contianer to keep your chips whole. Pringle needs to make an oval shaped container for us men, after all the chip is oval shaped not circular. So who's with me in my campain to make man sized, man spiced foods? I'm down lets get the petition started. Serio Pedo, Sreious fart. Wait, how do you get a petition started? lol. later on chavos and chavitas.

1 comment:

Metallman said...

What up. Your first post. Check my shit out on my site.