Thursday, May 28, 2009

Metal Crow Productions

Hello all. Okay this is my second post, Yay about time. Okay so I'm not good at blogging, Serio pedo, serious fart. well anyways. I will try and blog some more but its kinda hard when you have a 3 month old and a 20 month old. Anyways this blog is just to introduce Metal Crow Productions. Two men's dreams. Lets see if we can achieve the American Dream. So we chat about a lot of stuff we been meaning to get out there for the world to see. We got songs that have never made it too far, stories, comic ideas, videos, you name it we've though it. So now its time to put some time into this. So toon in this time its for reals. Metal Crow Productions Check it out. There's just a logo I've created for now, which is only a 30 min sketch, but soon we'll have a sneak preview of more to come. Serio Pedo.

1 comment:

Metallman said...

Let's get this show on the road!